
Webserver as a function - Part 1

Host a static web page with Flask


Flask already serves static files by default, hence complying with the default structure allows the setup to be very easy.


  • Very fast setup of a local web server
  • One deployment artefact can contain static and dynamic parts


  1. Installed python
  2. Flask library is available


Default setup

Flask already serves static files by default. This Hello World example already serves static files on

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Important are the parameters static_folder and static_url_path.

static_folder is the path to the folder containing the static files. The path can be relative to the application root_path or absolute. The constructor sets static_folder by default to ‘static’.

static_url_path is the path on which the static content is hosted defaulting to the value of static_folder.

These default values are set implicitly
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='static', static_url_path=None)

Host a simple website

To illustrate we create a folder called ‘static’ and add an example html file. The directory structure should look like this:

static/index.html file
    <h1>Hello from the static folder!</h1>

Running the application and opening we can see the example website.

Change the root path

Personally, I prefer to host my website directly on the root path. To achieve this, static_url_path is set to ‘’.

Overwrite the default parameter
app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='')

Restart the application, and we can see the improved paths at

Further Reading

  • Code can be found in this GitHub project.
  • Often it is much easier to host the website in a storage bucket. GCP, AWS and Azure provide guidelines for this.
  • Also containerized solutions with NGINX or Apache HTTP Server are much more common.
  • One advantage of this approach is the creation of one deployment artefact that can include frontend and backend.
  • The costs can be quite high for a website with high traffic. Please check your cloud billing estimations beforehand.
  • To reduce costs you can use CDNs and other caching mechanisms.
Hosted on Firebase
Built with Hugo
Design is based on Stack by Jimmy